
Monday, March 5, 2012

Slice 2012: 5 of 31

Second Graders...Gotta Love 'em!

     It is late afternoon and I am surrounded by 3 second graders.  We have just finished reading the Lorax and they are baffled.  They can't figure out how the book came before the movie.  "How is this possible?" One young man asks another.  "I think the book came first." Offers the little girl in the group.  I suggest we look at the copyright date in the book and point out that the movie is brand new, having just been released in theaters on Dr. Seuss's birthday (which we all know was last Friday).  We open up the book to the dedication page and read that the book was first published in 1971.  "Oh, that was a year before I was born." I say.   I look up and my gaze rests on a very serious second grader who replies, "Geez! This book must be a hundred years old!"  "WHAT!" I screech.  "Do I look like I am a hundred years old?"  Sheepishly grinning he replied, "Well, sorta."  I gave him a big squeeze and vowed to reconsider purchasing another round of that "miracle" skin care product I have taking up a ton of space on my bathroom counter.


  1. Oh my! Kids do say the darndest things! I had a student tell me I look like his grandma!! I'm 33 years old for goodness sakes!!

  2. Kids have no perception of age. Everyone is old to them. But it does make a funny slice of life.
