
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ah ha! Momments

Ah ha! moments I have had since participating in the Slice of Life Writing Challenge.

1. Being part of a writing community is f-u-n, FUN!
2. Positive feedback from my peers inspires me to write again and again and again.
3. Sometimes I can't think of anything to write...until I read what somebody else has written.
4. Making personal connections to other peoples stories is cool.
5. Taking risks as a writer is exciting.
6. It is easier to teach and inspire young writer's when you walk the walk and talk the talk.


  1. Tis true, "It is easier to teach and inspire young writer's when you walk the walk and talk the talk." That's why I'm here as well.

  2. I wish more teachers would realize know walking the walk instead of only talking the talk. Each
    I encourage the staff at my school to join this great challenge. So far, only one has accepted.

  3. Yes, yes, and yes! All so true. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I agree completely! Well said!

  5. I totally agree with your comment about not having anything to say until you read something someone else has written. I never get around to reading all the slices, but feel that I'll have this great library to draw on as inspiration for my next year of writing!

  6. Walking the walk truly does allow you to inspire others. You have reflected well and gained much.
